Cacao Hot Chocolate

Although this week marks the beginning of spring, we are snuggling in for what will hopefully be the last big snow storm of the year. Today we filled our pantry and stocked our fridge; soup and cheddar bay biscuits are ready on stand-by for tomorrow.

It seems as though this may be the last appropriate time to share a warm winter-y drink with you all, before we all begin craving smoothies and iced coffees!

When we traveled to Costa Rica in January, we visited the sweetest little Cacao plantation down a long gravel road. We walked down a jungle trail and sat on long hand-hewn benches under a small pavilion. Rain fell hard on the tin roof, as we listened intently about the tale of the Cacao plant.

We learned about the process that each cacao fruit goes through to become what we know as dark chocolate. We watched as small bees diligently worked to uncover the beans from the white casing around it. We waited as they roasted the beans on an old wood stove, and how they separated the outer shell from the rich, bitter meat of the bean.

Much like a harvester sifts wheat, allowing the grain to settle while the chaff blows away, the cacao requires a similar process to remove it’s shell. It is crushed on a mortar stone, then poured from one bowl to another, while the harvester blows gently on the falling grinds. The outer shell blows away and what is left is pure cacao.

While the whole process was fascinating, I was most surprised to hear of the countless health benefits found in cacao. It is nutrient rich, packed full of antioxidants, and is known to have mood boosting properties! It is also high in calcium, magnesium, and iron. Who knew?

After hearing all these things, and tasting the rich flavor that came from freshly harvested cacao, I knew I wanted to experiment a bit with this superfood when we returned home. It has paired perfectly with the countless snow days we have had this winter!

Cacao Hot Chocolate

1 can (13.5 ounces) of organic coconut milk

2 tablespoons of cacao powder

3 tablespoons of maple syrup (or any sweetener of your choice!)

1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon of sea salt

Slowly warm the coconut milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Add all ingredients, beginning with the cacao powder, and whisk gently with a fork. When all the ingredients have combined and the cacao is completely dissolved, allow the flavors time to meld together for a few minutes.

When the hot chocolate has reached the temperature you desire (without boiling!!), ladle it into small mugs. Because it has such a rich flavor, I have found I don’t need much to feel satisfied!

Also, just think of this recipe as a guideline, it can easily be altered to make the perfect drink for you.

Too chocolate-y? Next time leave out some cacao.

Needs more spice? Add a dash of cayenne.

Don’t like coconut? Try it with Almond milk.

The possibilities are endless!

I hope you enjoy! Please let me know if you give it a try, or if you have a favorite variation of your own!